Niklas's Schoolmates

Hi penpal,

this is a place where you can take a look at my schoolmates. You know already my friends Fabian, Jason, Sniv, Jonathon, and Keith – we’re all on the Glenwood Private School For Boys, the best middle school for boys all around (in their own opinion). It’s rather old and old-fashioned. It’s too small to let girls go there, but there’s a neighboring school just for girls that we share the playfield with.

There’re always girls walking behind us on our way home, whispering and giggling, and they laugh out loud when we turn around and look at them. I hate that. They never really talk to us, but I wouldn’t know what to say anyway.

I never knew what the bigger boys meant when they called it “Painwood” – until I came there. Believe me, it’s hard. If Jason wouldn’t help me with maths I surely had to repeat a class. And you should see our principal, Dr. Agatha Gothenburg:

We say “mummies alive!” when she comes down the corridor, but I guess she never understood it, she might think it’s “Mommies’ life” or something. At least once in every class she sends letters to our parents, asking if they’d allow to spank us again cause we were getting wilder and wilder. You won’t believe how many parents say it’s a good idea!

We got school uniforms at Glenwood. When you saw my album page, you’ll know that we aren’t forced to wear the uniforms every day, especially when it gets too cold. But once our parents paid for all the stuff, they’ll actually do. It looks so out of style! The girls laugh about us when they see us on the playfield in our ancient gym clothes. But what I hate most of all is the necktie!

The teachers get crazy when we look untidy. Keith likes to wear the cap turned back cause it looks odd with his long hair, and when Miss Gothenburg saw him like that, he was in trouble – as usual.

There’s the school crest stitched on every shirt. So that everybody can see we’re from “Painwood”. But don’t make fun of us… we’ll stand together!

The Boys of Glenwood


Barnabas “Barney” Drew

Craig Smith

Timothy Peter “Tippie” Voigt


Alexander “Ax” Smith

Bryan Straczynski

Douglas D’vorchak

Jason Devereux

Sean Wilkins

Zac Ceall


Erik Mikkelsen

Fabiano DeRose

Jeremey Morrow

Joey Smith

Joshua Gabriel Angell

Peter Phildon

Rodney Jenks

Timothy Still


Ben Miller

Sasha Petroff


Gabriel Winter

Mark Arnold