
Rebuilding Niklascomics.net for 2024!

*waves hello* Hi!!

I'm Jeremy. I'm rebuilding this site with Niklas's blessing. They wanted Niklas and Friends to continue to have a home on the web but couldn't continue hosting the site. The domains have been transferred to me and I am handling the migration and rebuild.

We are excited for these features!

  • All 128 color GIFs converted to webp and upscaled manually... one by one!
  • All comic pages upscaled and cleaned up.
  • Self-hosted, modern forum to discuss the comics, get advice, and more.
  • Full fan section with artwork and stories and ways to submit your own.
  • Comment fields on all webcomics and stories that are linked to your forum account.
  • Custom profile customization and meet other Niklas fans!
  • A comic never before posted online will be shared!

I must make it clear I am not the original author for this amazing series and no new art from him will ever be posted. I will not take donations and he has happily retired. I am doing this for my love of this series.

I hope to launch this in a few days so keep checking this site!

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