Mark Arnold

Favorite Stuff
Hobbies: Music and poetry (sometimes likes to combine the two) — also a secret hobby which no one has ever managed to find out about. Food: Pizzas and cola (especially if eaten in the company of a certain special friend).
When I Grow Up
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Music Teacher

My favorite students are Niklas Edlund and Rodney Jenks. It makes me feel like being a big kid when teaching them the piano or singing.

I have a problem with our principal, Dr. Agatha Gothenburg. She’s one of those bossy women that I don’t like at all. She’d like to spank the boys if she was allowed, she thinks that’s education.

I spend a lot of my spare time at the school, conducting the school choir and our little orchestra. I even created the school song, but just because I was asked to. (In other words: don’t blame me, I’m no artist!)
