Jeremey Morrow

Favorite Stuff
I like to play video games and read and go biking and rollerblading and stuff like that. I like movies too.
When I Grow Up
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My name is Jeremey. I just turned 13 and I’m in 7th grade. 🙂 I dont like school so much but sometimes it is boring in the summertime. But I like to hang out with my friends and stuff like that. I have a huge crush on Ralph Bogarde, he lives around here and I think my classmate Niklas Edlund knows him for some reason. hehe. 🙂 I think he is really really kewl. I wish I could hang out with him. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I’m about 4’11” tall. I weigh about 90 lbs.

My mom is 42 and she is a real estate agent. She works alot but she always finds time to spend with me and my brother. Her name is Donna. I think she is kewl. My brother’s name is Brandon. He is 14 almost 15 and we fight alot. He picks on me and is mean alot but sometimes he is kewl. I wish we could be better friends sometimes. I don’t have too many real close friends. I guess my best friend is Chris (not Christopher, Martin’s friend – note by Niklas) but I don’t get to see him too much. We were in the same classes. But we were in a band together and that was kewl. I play the trombone. Chris plays the trumpet.
I don’t really remember my dad. He died when I was 3. He got hit by a drunk driver. Sometimes I have bad dreams and I dream that I am in the crash with him and we both die. 🙁 I wish I could remember him. I wonder what he was like alot but I don’t like to ask mom because it makes her really sad. I seen pictures of him and I guess we look alot like each other.
