Fabiano DeRose

Favorite Stuff
Ghost and horror stories/movies. Astral projecting and hockey stuff. My Favortie food is pasta and pizza.
When I Grow Up
I want to be anything and I will work hard to get it.
Email or Homepage

Hello and good day to you :o)……I am excited to be here in Glenwood school, I am deaf (not deafmute) I can hear anything with my hearing aids. People told me that I can be strange or creepy to hang with, I don’t know why. Many times I can’t get attracted to or feel to “like” people, hey, maybe I was born with that. My mom told me I was born a rock- to reflect feelings, I hope she is wrong because I want to have feelings too like other people. I never had a best friend yet and I am waiting for one…I love to search for ghosts and go to haunted houses because that’s where I can feel at “home”, do you think I am strange….it’s up to you :o).
I do astral projecting to meet many people and I learn lot from them. I don’t want to be with anyone because I feel that way, if I like that person maybe I will change or not. I am surprised there is another boy who has the same name as I have, he is Fabian and I am Fabiano. I was thinking of him as my friend, I hope so :o).
