Bryan Straczynski

Favorite Stuff
comics, sci-fi and fantasy movies, hiking, camping, tacos
When I Grow Up
Email or Homepage

Hi! I’m Bryan, what’s your name? I moved here last year. At first, it was scary being in a new school and all, but it was so easy to make new friends here! Everyone is so friendly and accepting around here. I already have crushes on some of the boys here, but. I had better not say who! Hehehe! 

In my free time I love doing things both inside and outside, as long as it’s fun! I have a trampoline and I’m always practicing my backflips on it. Some of my friends come and jump on it with me, I wish I could invite more people over to play with me, but I can be shy when it comes to that sort of thing. Sometimes I chicken-out when I want to talk to someone I really like, you know?

I have four brothers and two sisters, but I only live with two of them (one brother and one sister). I cry when I think about my other siblings that I have not seen in years, do you think I might see them again someday? The bro & sis that I live with though think I am weird because I like to hug people so much and sometimes I guess maybe I’m over affectionate. My dad lives far away and my mom is too busy to give me hugs usually, will you hug me? Maybe we can go fishing or play soccer together!
