Alexander “Ax” Smith

Favorite Stuff
When I Grow Up
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What I look like: I’m 4’3″tall (but I’m in a wheelchair, so I look shorter heheheheheheh) I have hazel eyes, I have brownish-black hair, shoulder-length, freckles over my cheeks and nose, I’m kinda skinny and have some, if I may say so myself, nice muscles from all the weights I lift.

My name is Alexander. My friends call me Ax. I’m 11 years old. I am Craig and Joey Smith’s bro, their parents adopted me recently, and my real parents ditched me when I was 2. I don’t know if they are alive or not, but I don’t care cuz I finally have a family that loves me. I was in a car crash when I was 6 and was paralyzed from the waist down, but I don’t let that stop me. I’m in therapy and the doc says I will walk again, so I’m overall quite happy. I love to shoot hoops on the basketball court and I like to read and chat online. I like to lift weights and ride my bike. I like boys and have a crush on a few, but I’m afraid to tell them. Not many kids like hanging with a cripple when they can be running around and stuff. well, that’s just about it.
