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Botaran Night Before Christmas - a Bright Future story - by Eidan

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Bright Future

Botaran Night Before Christmas
by Eidan

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

All the stockings were hung by the closet with care,
We don't have a chimney, it'd foul up the air.

Then all of a sudden there arose such a clatter,
“It's not Christmas yet,” I thought — “Now what's the matter?”

Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear
but a blue kid named Toben, and some green kid, I fear.

I couldn't believe it, so I called to my Mom,
“I just got new glasses, but I think something's wrong!”

“There's either two aliens in our neighbor's backyard,
or the school that we go to has us working too hard.”

Jahv y Toben Colocando Luces Edn

They paid me no heed, and went straight to their work.

but then “Happy Thanksgiving!” blurted one with a jerk.

And then putting a finger on a button or node,
he turned on some lights, then I saw them explode!

Christmas Lights Overvolt

“Oh great! Now we've done it! Those were our Christmas lights!
I said we should check them, see, the volts are not right.”

“It's set to 3000, the most here is two-twenty.
All these lights would look great! Now they're not worth a penny.”

“Well it's too late to fix it, I suppose you were right.
so let's pack them back up, and we'll call it a night.”

Then all of a sudden there arose such a noise,
and as you can imagine, everyone blamed the boys.

But what to our wondering eyes should appear...
a miniature sleigh and eight tiny raindeer.

Jahv couldn't believe it, Toben stood there dumbfounded
“They don't call this Thanksgiving, this is Christmas, confound it!”

If you think that the boys were surprised, you should see,
The face of St. Nick, who stood there like a tree.

“I thought I'd seen it all — there were no more surprises!
Either you're a green boy, or those are good disguises!”

Then he looked in his pack and he winked at the boys.
“I bet you wouldn't mind if I gave you these toys!”

“Here, have some chocolate, and a book too, for you each.
I think you'll like this, it's a book called The Sneech.”

“You thought you'd surprise me, but you're still on my list!”
Santa pointed at Jahv, then he held out his fist.

“It's a voltage converter!” the boys both shouted then,
“from 3000 volts to a hundred and ten.”

Voltage Converter

“Don't have a blue Christmas, lest you have one that's green...”
“and a purple one too,” Keyro said, from in-between.

“I didn't forget you,” Santa added with a laugh.
“Here's a package of pencils, and a book that says Math.”

Now laughing for real, he said, “Though those thing are not bad.
If you thought I was serious, you must think I've gone mad.”

Then he gave him some chocolates, and some toys from his bag.
“and I have one more thing, 'cause I know you've been sad.”

“I couldn't believe how far I had to go,
just to find this one thing, there's just one place it grows!”

“The best fruit of all isn't found by your home.
As a matter of fact, there's just one place it's known.”

“So getting some here proved to be quite a task, alas...
on the world you call home, it's just grown in the palace.”

Santa Space Transparent

“A pink-faced man in a red suit, by the way,
who reached their main palace clear from here, in a sleigh,

was quite a surprise, so imagine their shock!
They just gave me the fruit, and they gave me a lot!”

“Oh, there's just one last thing,” Santa said with a grin.
It's a good set of lights. Take a look! Plug it in!”

“They're all different colors, not just one, like the rest.
Because that's what makes Christmas lights all look their best.”

“It's kind of like people, from Brazil clear to Maine,
how boring we'd be if we all were the same.”

“It's getting late boys, why don't you hit the sack?
I have to go now, but next year I'll be back!”



Text and illustrations (except clipart) are copyright © 2011 Eidan. They're distributed under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Sharealike Unported 3.

This topic was modified 2 months ago 4 times by Lyel
