My own "My Friend i...
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My own "My Friend is an Alien" story -illustrated-

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The Entity Chapter 01-12

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The Entity Chapter 01-13

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The Entity Chapter 01-14
Sorry pals, no drawing for three pages 😪 Maybe someday I'll have them done…

"Superb" said Keyro." What about the clothing?"
Keith raised an eyebrow while Arion smiled:
"Due to the temperature and customs, clothing is naturally scarce, or absent, depending on the education units. Some are devoted to 'dressy' species, other to 'sans'".
"I knew it would turned alike", sighed Keith.
"There are girls" added Prince Arion.
"Aeeeeee" was the general comment of the earthlings.
"Now don't worry", said a smiling Arion. "Again, depending on each species' customs, there can have separate facilities for boys and girls".
"What about the Dorrians?" asked Jahv.

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This post was modified 3 weeks ago by Lyel

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The Entity Chapter 01-15

-------- same as above… --------
After some pondering and investigation of the Galactic Indicia, it appeared Dorrians were offered separated facilities for both genders, along with other species in the same case, which included the Botarans -meaning clothing was absent.

Eventually, the party was composed of Jahv, his brother Keyro, Niklas, Martin and Keith, plus Morik and Prince Arion.
"That is as much as my teleporter can handle" added Jahv.
"What about the way back home?" asked Keith
"We have the portable transmat units. They are beamed to the teleporter out there, and Toben will have an eye on it".
"Great. I hope they are waterproof by now..." grumbled Keith.

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The Entity Chapter 01-16


After some tuning, the seven boys are ready to beam. Save for Jahv's backpack and Morik's educator, they all wear only boots.

The boys brace themselves together while the device begins to activate.

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The Entity Chapter 02-01
Another artist. Style is way different. Less "realistic", if very cute. 
Some action, too, when the first chapter was mainly talk.

I began working some more on the background…

Beam-in. Flash.
"Here we are", noted a confident Jahv, then he swayed as the ground suddenly opened under their feet.
"Where are we??" shouted Keith.
"Aeeeeeeee!!!" was the general comment, as the pack of boys crashed 7 feet lower, in a jumble of leaves and vines.

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The Entity Chapter 02-02
More surprise  😊 

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The Entity Chapter 02-022

Keith cleared his throat, but a dark look from Martin stopped it.
Niklas looked around and whispered "Someone there is! Look"

One of them was human-like, and clearly mammalian, to Keith' dismay:
"Aeeee, a GIRL!" shouted Keith, "I was sure we were to land in the middle of girlies!" and he struggled again to hide himself under the leaves -with the only result to excite the vines some more, which protruded him some more, clear to the sight of the alien.
There was a light breeze coming from the unknown being and Morik shook is head. "No, not a girl".
"But look at her... nipp-- er... features!" said a desperate Keith. Indeed, the alien had two features roughly the size and shape of half an apricot.
"These features are not critical nor definite" noted Prince Arion. "Why do you think this is not a girl, Morik"?
"I smell it. The smell is not of a she, but of a he, like all of us".
"Why you?" frowned Martin, "I took a shower yesterday!"

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The Entity Chapter 02-03

Over with the comics format… I was a long time without artist, then found a few who did not stay long. This page was actually redone later, by the one artist who remains faithful to me and my series (fantasies…).

So for a while, it is just text with one illustration.


Keith cleared his throat, but a dark look from Martin stopped it.
Niklas looked around and whispered "Someone there is! Look"
Five yards away there were three “someone”. Looking straight at the pack of newcomers, responsible for the sudden racket. On the left was a centaur-like creature, with a generous mane in several shades of pink. His torso looked tanned, and he had a short horn protruding in the middle of his brow. His hind legs were half-extended as if he was on the point to ride away.
On the right was a cat-boy creature, with a leopard-patched skin, head and extremities covered with hair. He had arched his back and puffed his hair under the surprise.
In the middle, a more human-like creature was resting on a garden hammock-seat, over lots of pillows, a book on his thighs, eyes wide of surprise. The creature was clearly mammalian, to Keith’ dismay.
Initial commission HERE

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The Entity Chapter 02-04

Stopping at a pace from the still moving vines, the alien inclined his head a little, then had a sweet smile: "Hello. Great entrance and nice show! Can you do it again?" he asked in a soft voice.
Prince Arion appreciated the delicate balance of the head and body of the alien, and declined "We shall have to practice some more before offering public shows. Can you help us out?"
"I guess I can", nodded the alien. "Don't move".
He spread his right hand over them -Morik gasped, noticing the four fingers, thin and long.
A faint silver dust began to pour from his palm, and where it fell, the vines came motionless and flabby.
Keyro opened eyes wide of surprise "You got psi powers?"
The alien smiled "Well, I guess this is what you'd name it."
"Hee hee hee," giggled Morik. "It tickles!"
"Sorry." acknowledged the alien. "It won't last long."
"No trouble, friend. It is pleasant," assured Morik.
Initial commission HERE

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The Entity Chapter 02-05

Soon they were all free, wiping the few leaves, dust and soil from their skins. The alien considered the boys, puzzled:
"You... Where are you coming from?"
"Earth" said Keith, recovering.
"You are humans???"
"You know about humans?" exclaimed Jahv.
"Well, sure I do, my… er… my best friend is a human!"
"Now come, how do you know humans??" wondered Martin
"This needs for a complete tale," agreed Niklas
"The way it goes, Earth is crowded with aliens," sighed Keith. "Are you sure these 'Men in Black' movies were just fiction?"
"What species are you?" asked a curious Morik.
"Right," added Jahv. "I can't name it".

The (obviously) boy alien had four fingers, such as Botarans. Pointy ears and very long hair, just as Morik and all Dorrians. A very pale skin, very light pink, almost milky white, which could pass for human.
But hair went down under his waist, were very curly, and looked like made of silver. Nails, lips and the puffed nipples also were of a glossy silver hue. Eyes were even wider than Prince Arion's, with a large iris of a sound violet color, almost radiating under the sunlight.
"And what's your name?" added Keiro.
"Well, my name is Lyel, and I am an Elf. Here are my friends Cento and Tu-rrrr-o.".
"Lee-L? Nice name, muttered Morik".
"An elf? Like those of Santa Claus?" asked Martin.
"Well, not exactly"
"And what planet do you come from? I know none with beings like you," asked Jahv his eyes going down the chest of the Elf and the unusual features.
"You are right, there is none." As others raised an interrogative eyebrow, Lyel added "I come from a planet named Phulkor, but through a... well, you'd call it a breach in the spatio-temporal continuum."
"Nice," said Keith. "And I guess it failed on you and you are now trapped here?"
Lyel giggled:

"No, but this side has all I currently need. Now, what are you here for?"
Initial commission HERE

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This post was modified 2 weeks ago 4 times by Lyel

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The Entity Chapter 02-06

Starting from 02-03 and until 03-03, the boys were redrawn by the latest artist, based on works from a few other artists. Explains why the boys looks older in the current pages.

Jahv explained why they came, and Lyel offered to head them to his mentor, Professor Llofllock, who certainly will know how to get courses for Dorrians.
Walking through the campus, the Earthlings were bewildered with the variety of shapes and colours.
"Look there!" whispered Martin, almost trembling. "You sure these are kids?"
"Sure," replied Jahv. "And well known. They are Krativans. Their planet has a gravity acceleration of 3.56G, and they are extremely strong -and heavy."
"Indeed," added Arion. "An interesting species. Look at their four short legs, at each corner of their body. They give them a sound seating."
"Why do they move that slow?" asked Martin.
Javh looked at Arion, who guessed: "Probably because they are not yet accustomed to the local low gravity. They could easily jump eight feet high."
"Yes, and make a sound hole when landing," laughed Keyro.
"That is just why they use caution," added Arion. "They are very valuable workers, and their three arms don't harm."

Morik was looking at Lyel's light skin, and asked: "Have you been here for long?"
"Several months. Why?"
"Don't you tan?"
"Generally not."
"And you don't get sunburns?" asked Martin.

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You can see the initial commission HERE

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by Lyel

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The Entity Chapter 02-07
Still redone by the latest artist from the initial commission. The boys look a few years older… this will be fixed later.

Niklas looked at the sun and noted: "Which season is it? You said this was a hot planet, but the sun is barely mild on my skin."
"This planet has no real seasons," replied Lyel, "but this is how it is. Its star is almost twice as far as Sun is from Earth, somewhat smaller and less hot."
"Twice as far?" asked an astonished Jahv, "So why is the temperature so high?"
Arion waved his head: "I don't know."
"Do you?" asked Keyro to Lyel.
"You are lucky, it was just the subject of a course a few weeks ago. They said the planet benefited from a sound greenhouse effect, plus an unusual structure."
"What struc

ture?" asked Morik, who looked to take great interest at whatever their new friend said.
"It has a relatively thin crust, and quite a hot mantle, which helps it being even in temperature all the time, and most of the latitudes."
"Uh?" was Morik's reply.
Lyel pondered a little, then said: "melted stone is quite close under the surface, and heats the planet from inside."
"Lava, you mean?" asked an eager Keith. "Volcanoes ready to erupt?"
"Cool it, will you," advised Niklas "they would not have built schools over volcanoes, won't they?"
"Or course not," agreed Lyel "there are very few volcanoes on this planet. Well, here we are. Let me introduce you."
Cropped version:

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Uncropped here but without background.
Initial commission here

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The Entity Chapter 03-01
moving on…

Chapter 3 “Getting ready for the Black Lotus Temple”

The boys met Lyel's mentor, a strange alien roughly human but for a head like an octopus, with a dozen of short tentacles, each having one eye at the base. Its two standard-looking arms ended with ten tentacles instead of fingers. And they were always moving like if trying to catch some prey.
Niklas was rather afraid of the being and whispered to Martin: "Yuck! I won't shake... hands with such a thing"
"Me neither," replied the boy, who added: "What a teacher! Eyes behind the head and all over around: can see anything!"

After the presentations, Jahv explained their quest, and was given all the required info. Following the destruction of their planet, the number of Dorrians was reduced to almost nothing, and the related education facilities were dismantled. So far, they have been grouped in the Blue Lotus Temple, one of the larger education centers, on one of the larger landmasses.
As if reading Keith' mind, Lyel asked: "What about the clothing standards? My friends are very concerned about complying to the rules."
After closing several of his eyes and a frenetic agitation of its finger-tentacles, the mentor replied: "It mixes all genders, and asks for a minimum of clothing. Standard CS1-2. You see?"
Lyel agreed, thanked, and made a surprising -but elegant- curtsey which had the boys feeling obliged to bow their heads. Prince Arion was the only one able to make some elegant salutation, and they left.
Background rendered with Poser from a free/commercial set (don't remember). Some problem with the perspective, the boys seem too close from the Prof… I couldn't do better back then. All the same, you can see I began working good on the backgrounds!

Prof. Llofllocq drawn by a previous artist… don't remember either.
Lyel and Jahn redrawn by the "main" artist. Incidentally, this is one of the cutest 'rear' views of Lyel 😘 

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The Entity Chapter 03-02

"Well boys, let us go to my quarters, you need to be dressed properly for the next step", said Lyel. "I guess my wardrobe will be enough to fit all of you."

Lyel's quarters were a nice little bungalow in a bushy place. Keith noted the bed was unusually large for such small a boy, but he supposed beds may fit various sizes. However, he frowned at the size of the various garments Lyel sorted out of the closet and disposed on the blanket.
"There... I guess these colors will be assorted with your various skins and hair. Choose."
"You sure this will be enough?" asked a concerned Keith. "They look all too tight even for Martin!"
"Don't worry, the cloth is extensible. Just try it", replied Lyel, and he turned to the Dorrian: "There Morik, I'd bet that plain golden silk will be the perfect match for you. A nice contrast with your camouflage skin and a great complement in colour."
"Ah, er... thanks," stammered Morik, and Niklas noticed the Dorrian's skin was turning darker in the dark areas, and lighter in the others. He thought: "Could this be he is blushing?"
Keith was still doubtful with the minute undies, and probed the elasticity. Martin picked a light green colour, and slipped it. "Wow! It fitted to me as if it were alive!"

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Original drawing HERE. Very cute, but now the boys look too young…

This post was modified 1 week ago by Lyel

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