The Entity Chapter 05-073
Soon after the tottering Alien turned the corner, there was a sudden flash of light. The girlies stood still, looking at the right end of the hall.
Another intermediate scene, as the other illustrations may not have been explicit enough.
The SOMETHING after the corner should not be visible by the boys, though.
The Entity Chapter 05-10
"Energy beams!" he whispered. "They are originating from that heavy... entity and link it to the girls."
"Controlling them?" asked Arion.
"Making them trying to seduce anyone in sight, until he turns the corner, and.." Arion stopped.
The Entity Chapter 05-15
He took Keyro's hand and put it into Martin's, and the boys awoke in their turn and ran away.
Then he considered Morik, who was standing still, eyes wide open, looking straight ahead at one of the slimmest girls, who had very long pale golden hair. Nodding, he closed to the Dorrian and whispered into his ear: "Lyel".
The Entity Chapter 05-16
Morik startled, sighed in relief, turned to look at his friend, and ran away.
"Now the last one..." commented Arion.
Keith was stiff, but trembling and sweating.
"I wonder..." began Arion, then he grinned, closed to Keith, and
shouted "Boo!"
"Aheee!!!" the boy jumped back, shook his head, looked around, then ran
away down the same hall as the others.
The Entity Chapter 06-01
Arion wasn't long to catch the boys back, who were resting by a street, panting after a mad run. Jahv was speaking hastily to a pack of instructors:
"I tell you! This Entity is controlling girls to lure boy-scholars at close distance, then it gobbles them and gain more energy for its purpose, which is to attract more preys."
The instructors represented several species, and they were all dubious:
"Do tell? This is a good story, and the first time we hear it. At least you have a good imagination, but it won't spare you the regulatory punishment for missing the courses!"
"What does this so-called Entity look like, to begin with? Such a thing had never be seen here since the planet was discovered."
"We did not wait to look at it!" shouted Jahv. "Lucky we were to escape, thanks to... Hey, where is Arion?"
Lots of character-posing on this one, always tricky with XNALara where the models do not care much for the joints constraints.
Also problem with the shadows, which as always shifted from the bodies. Plus the re-integration of the drawings.
All the same, I had lots of fun with it, even adding "side" plots, here with the cockroach/insectoïd and Prof. A'a'BulBulBulGloo who is closely investigating the anatomies displayed 😆
The Entity Chapter 06-02
"Am here", said Prince Arion in his back, with a concerned voice. "Thanks there was none matching my, er... rank." He turned to the instructors: "If you don't trust us, just wait until its powers are strong enough to lure you from that distance. Hey Jahv, show them your scanner!"
"Right! Look there. It is a standard Botaran handheld scanner, with minor customizations."
The instructors gathered round the screen, and Jahv pointed:
"The Entity is easy to spot in this gravitational fields view. See? Bearing 47.2 north, distance... Vrekt!"
The Entity Chapter 06-03
"What's going on, now?" screamed Keith.
"Distance reading is lowering."
"So what?"
"It approaches!!!!"
The boys screamed all together, and jumped around like mad: "Let's get out of here, quick!"
Arion spread his arms, catching Martin and Keith. "Stay together and don't panic. We'll get out if it."
-------------------More details----------------
More work also for me on this one… More characters to integrate, the shadows to keep (and fix as XNALara shifts them a lot), and the fact I lost the exact position of the camera, so the render and the drawings weren't matching well…
Pretty crowded too 🙂
And extra plot lines with the "NPCs":
-The mutt, initially added for the ridiculous look, but I could not let it just idling there. So he is acting as a standard mutt: nosing around, barking when there is some excitement, messing around, and… you'll see 🙂
-The Roach (from Fallout) and the mechanical insect, initially added for the fun, are now having fun on their own.
-Niklas and the professor A'a'BulBulBulGloo. This one needs some explanation as the drawing can't tell it all… Niklas was surprised and concerned by the interest towards his anatomy, and after a few preliminary examinations, the professor is now trying to secure a deal with Niklas: first a deep, thorough and full-tech scan of the living body, next (for later) a body donation to its faculty. Once Niklas managed to understand the terms of the deal, he was quite relieved on one hand, but on the other still concerned of the consequences if he would disagree…
The Entity Chapter 06-03b
He looked back to the large door, and pointed at a faint light coming.
"There it comes. I would advise you to brace yourselves against the effects. I have found one can resist the attraction spell by physical contact with one's best friend, as you can see with Jahv and Niklas, or by focusing one's mind on a good friend."