Timothy Still

Favorite Stuff
My favorite things to do are drawing and trying to lose weight by aerobicizing, dieting, lifting heavy things or what have you. I also love machines and especially cars.
When I Grow Up
I want to be famous.
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I live with my mother, my parents divorced when I was 6. I like to mess around with my mom’s reel-to-reel tape machine and microphones and make silly tapes to send to my dad who lives quite far to the north. Mom plays in the Symphony Orchestra as third chair oboe.

Other kids think I’m kind of a weirdo and so I keep to myself alot. When I grow up, I dont’ care so much what I become so long as it’s good in some way or another and just as long as I’m famous =). When I was a little kid, I was kind of a know-it-all. My mom said I reminded her of a soap-box preacher sometimes. We have two cats.

And I suppose my best friend is my babysitter. A 16-year-old named Murphy.
